Bryan Pudney Kelly - Your Trusted Tofino & Ucluelet Realtor
Bryan is a Ucluelet & Tofino local dedicated to providing exceptional service to clients in the beautiful cities of Tofino & Ulcuelet. Bryan is a highly experienced real estate advisor and committed to delivering the best results for his clients, whether they are looking to buy, sell, or find their next vacation home.
Bryan lives in Ucluelet with his wife and new born son. They moved here to enjoy a slower pace of life so they could raise their kids in a more peaceful environment then the Vancouver. He loves this part of BC and is always really exicited to share it with new famlies moving to town. Don't be shy asking him for coffee to pick his brain about the market.
We believe that communication is key to a successful real estate experience. That's why we make sure to keep our clients informed and involved every step of the way. Our goal is to make your real estate journey as smooth and stress-free as possible.
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Expert insights to market conditions
First time home buyer support
Episode 1 - Island Living
Tofino Living - With Bryan
Sea and Sky Real Estate Team
Finding the right home for you.